Course Instructors’ Conference
At midday of 4th September, Anqing Foreign Language School’s International Department convened the course instructors’ conference for the study-abroad class. The conference was chaired by International Department Director Xu Zuitai. In attendance were Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli and other school leaders.
Initially, Director Xu Zuitai introduced the current situation of the study-abroad class to all the course teachers and laid emphasis on students’ learning habits as well as the significance of the cultivation of their learning interest. In addition, Director Xu summarized the management experience in the last academic year and pointed out that the International Department should further intensify the education and teaching management of the study-abroad class, promote class construction, usher in class culture, manifest English characteristics as well as reasonably formulate educational objectives.
Moreover, Anqing Foreign Language School’s President Madam Huang Wenli added that all teachers should fully understand the significance of study-abroad classes, positively update educational concepts, strive hard to explore and carry out the teaching model of the ‘Teacher-Student Interaction’. Meanwhile, Madam President urged all teachers to innovate the homework mode and assign cooperative homework featured in research-oriented small topics to form unique discipline teaching model.
Overall, at the beginning of the new academic year, the holding of this conference was bound to promote educational teaching management of Anqing Foreign Language School’s study-abroad classes in addition to propelling Anqing Foreign Language School’s international education to the next level.